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odd yarn = pretty socks

So, I am trying to write less lame blog titles. That may not be entirely possible, but I will try. Here are some recent exploits!

As you can see, my math homework is attempting to compete with my lovely socks.
The math homework lost....

I am using some LB Magic Stripes
Denim Stripe

Denim blue, cream, light blue highlighted with red and copper

I am very pleased with the striping pattern complementing the stripes... and I love that the stripes are super random. :)

This is part of the Romney I bought at the Fingerlakes Fiber Arts Festival. I was unsure of how much to get, or what kind; it was rather overwhelming. I ended going economical and buying only one kind of roving, a white Romney. I got it home, quite nervous about buying 16 oz, since I didn't know how it would spin up.
I started up my wheel and was amazed. Romney was my personal spinning Godsend. I was so happy with the results. I have spun white samples, but not too much. I used some of the yarn for my brother's pirate hat. I think he quite liked it.
I go to college, so I got a break. I work at the same college, and the week after Christmas the college is totally closed, so I got a break then too. Instead of sitting around all week, I decided one ambitious morning to dye some roving. The picture seems washed out, but the colors are fairly accurate. I was going to use the Dishwasher Dyeing Method, but when I opened the door to the dishwasher I realized that there is a good reason the dishes aren't getting cleaned. I think the hoses are clogged. :( Anyway, I ended up just nuking it for 3 to 5 minutes and letting it rest. I was really worried that the wool would felt, but it didn't.
I am excited to see what the finished yarn looks like. I don't know if I will Navajo ply (which I absolutely love the look of) or just 2- ply for thinner yarn. I fear the thickness of a 3-ply right now.

Now for a gratuitous shot of my fiancee and the kitten at his apartment (he belongs to our friend Caleb, but we all get to love him!)

Arael and Brian.


ship131313 said…
awww what a nice photo of Brian & Ariel:)
but then i'm Brian's Dad :)


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