Brian passed his CDL-A today! He is officially a trucker! He sent out an email with all the details to our friends and family today and I helped him. At this point I am just so grateful that he has passed, and can now take one of the jobs he has been pre-hired for. My hope is that he will get the Rochester area job, but honestly I don't care. Either one will work. In knitting news, I am almost done with my mom's birthday sweater. I think I forgot to post a picture, but it was almost done on her birthday. I sewed in one sleeve on Sunday and half of the other. All that is left is the inset neck adn weaving in ends. When I have access to a camera and halfway decent light, I will take a picture. For school I have been working on 2 socks on one long circular needle. I have done two mittens before, but this is the first time for two socks. As you can see I haven't gotten far, but far enough. I did top down this time, and worked with the heel gusset, usually not my favorite typ... crafting...knitting...