Brian passed his CDL-A today! He is officially a trucker! He sent out an email with all the details to our friends and family today and I helped him. At this point I am just so grateful that he has passed, and can now take one of the jobs he has been pre-hired for. My hope is that he will get the Rochester area job, but honestly I don't care. Either one will work.
In knitting news, I am almost done with my mom's birthday sweater. I think I forgot to post a picture, but it was almost done on her birthday. I sewed in one sleeve on Sunday and half of the other. All that is left is the inset neck adn weaving in ends. When I have access to a camera and halfway decent light, I will take a picture.
For school I have been working on 2 socks on one long circular needle. I have done two mittens before, but this is the first time for two socks. As you can see I haven't gotten far, but far enough. I did top down this time, and worked with the heel gusset, usually not my favorite type of situation, but I am pleased with it. The last picture is the decreases which will lead back into the foot. I did a double decrease by knitting on each side of the extra section, and got that nice triangle shape. What's better is that the sock fits fairly well now. The hideous hot pink is a throw back from my acrylic/Lionbrand days... and while I am not opposed to it... well it IS hideous. I am hoping to get it to take up some dye... just enough to kick the neon out a bit.
I have also decided to stop complaining. I am tired of listening to myself whine, and I think that if I stop, I will be a more pleasant person. There is actually a campaign to stop complaining... here. (Look for the purple bracelet.) I don't want to be fake, and I am not going to pretend I am happy when I am not happy, but I am going to try to find a way to stop being so negative. I think that I need to work on contentedness, and stopping complaining is one way to help me do that.